Workplace health and safety

It’s Time We Had a Talk – About Workplace Safety

Over the past two years, workplace safety became the virtual water cooler topic of choice, as the idea of employee well-being took on an all-new meaning. This World Day for Safety and Health at Work, let’s talk about how we can use that momentum to help shape a healthier real estate and construction industry today and every day.

More than just a feel-good topic, promoting workplace safety, commonly called occupational safety and health (OSH), can have profound impacts for the people who bring our workspaces to life. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), 340 million occupational accidents and 160 million work-related illnesses occur each year. In a recent report, the ILO affirmed that, “Enhancing a positive OSH culture in the workplace significantly contributes to reducing work-related accidents and diseases, as well as to improving workers’ well-being and morale. Healthier and happier workers will, in turn, contribute to improved business productivity, quality and profitability.”

Today, Unispace teams across our sites will participate in a dedicated ‘stand-down,’ where they’ll spend focused time exploring safety-themed questions. Here are three questions to consider in guiding your path to a safer workplace:

  1. What should you do if you see a hazard or accident? We want to make sure our teams not only know the protocol if they spot a slip, trip hazard or a near-miss incident – they’re also ready and willing to report it to the right people, and alert anyone who may be at risk in the meantime.
  2. How can we protect ourselves while working at heights? Those who work on construction sites will discuss various safety measures from simply completing assembly work at ground level where possible, to positioning mobile tower scaffolds with safe access and waist-high barriers.
  3. What are potential risks in the office? It can be easy to overlook safety hazards when you’re sitting at your desk – yet there are numerous ways to get hurt, whether by standing on a desk chair to reach something or rushing down a crowded hall with a cup of hot coffee in hand. Our stand-downs will brainstorm possible issues, and ways to avert them.

By facilitating frank and open conversations about safety, together we can help our people, clients, and the larger community stay safe, whether it’s in the studio, on-site, or at home.

Tom Prasky

Tom Prasky

Tom Prasky is Senior Principal, Head of Delivery – Americas for Unispace. He is a high energy, results-oriented professional with over 15 years of experience in the construction industry. His leadership and communication skills benefit the project team in all areas, while his thorough understanding of the design-build process ensures that even the most complex designs are successfully brought to fruition.

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