Matt Jacob


Matt Jacob

Matt Jacob is a Las Vegas-based writer, editor and project manager with vast professional multimedia experience. In addition to working for several Las Vegas-based publishing companies, Matt’s freelance clients have included The Washington Post, American Airlines,, and; public and private university communications departments; and professional trade organizations. Although a sportswriter at heart, Matt’s greatest asset is his versatility: He’s written long- and short-form articles about everything from health care and law to hospitality and celebrities.
Andre Agassi Shares Lessons On and Off the Court
There is no denying that Andre Agassi will go down as one of the greatest men’s tennis players the sport has ever seen, with a long list of records and accomplishments. Ironically, Agassi grew up not craving any of it. Just the opposite, in fact, as he explained Wednesday during a keynote talk at NAIOP’s CRE.Converge in Agassi’s lifelong hometown of Las Vegas.
Toronto Market Update
As the second day of NAIOP’s CRE.Converge neared a close in Las Vegas, attendees had an opportunity to learn a bit about the city that will host next year’s conference: Toronto.
The Future of Downtown Calgary
A devastating natural disaster, followed by a sudden (and equally devastating) recession, followed by a global pandemic. This trifecta of horrors sent Calgary into a tailspin for nearly a decade. Now the largest city in the Canadian province of Alberta is rebounding in a big way. And the commercial real estate industry not only is riding the bounce-back wave; in many ways, it’s steering it.

