Aquiles Suarez


Aquiles Suarez

Aquiles Suarez is Senior Vice President for Government Affairs at NAIOP.
Reconciliation Redux and Carried Interest
redux: Latin, (from the verb reducere, meaning “to lead back”) can mean “brought back” or “bringing back.” A few weeks ago, Democratic hopes for a big bill that would enact President Joe Biden’s climate change agenda, among other things, seemed all but dead. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) had publicly announced that recent inflation figures would […]
Biden’s Climate Agenda Dealt Serious Blows
In short order, President Joe Biden’s climate agenda has suffered serious blows on both the legislative front and in the judicial sphere. On Thursday of last week, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who had been negotiating with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on a budget reconciliation bill that would, among other things, include a number […]
Memorial Day Signals Final Legislative Push for Congress
For many, the Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer. For those elected officials in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, the return to the nation’s capital from the Memorial Day congressional recess is the bell signaling the final lap in the race to pass legislation before the politics of a midterm […]
National Forum Members a Vital Resource for NAIOP Government Affairs
Twice a year, at the annual Forums Symposium and again at CRE.Converge, NAIOP’s government affairs staff meets with a number of NAIOP’s National Forums for purposes of updating members on current issues in Congress, the status of our federal advocacy efforts, challenges faced by the industry on the state and local level, and on issues […]
Challenging Issues for CRE in SEC Climate Disclosure Rule
Last month the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released a proposed rule designed to increase transparency and standardize the information that public corporations disclose regarding climate-related risks. To a great extent, the SEC’s action tracks what has already been happening at major corporations, many of which have publicly committed to ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) […]
The Saga Continues: Defining “Waters of the United States”
Last November, the Biden administration began another chapter in the long-running saga to develop a lasting definition for the phrase “waters of the United States” (“WOTUS”) when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corp) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking on the matter. With that, they join the Obama […]
Democrats in Search of a Plan
Congressional Democrats are struggling to come up with a plan to pass legislation containing much of their and President Joe Biden’s domestic policy agenda, with an eye toward having tangible achievements that can be touted in their 2022 midterm reelection bids. After spending much of 2021 disagreeing with centrist Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten […]
What’s in the Infrastructure Bill
Finally, after months of political gamesmanship between progressives and moderates in the Democratic party, the House of Representatives on Nov. 5 passed H.R 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which President Joe Biden signed into law this Monday. The Senate passed the bill on Aug. 10, and moderate Democrats in the House had been […]
Reality Finally Intruding on Washington’s Political Theater
Even by Washington’s standards, the level of political theater surrounding President Joe Biden’s domestic agenda on infrastructure, climate and expansion of government social spending programs has been extraordinary. The same can be said about the ongoing debate over raising the nation’s debt ceiling, with even more serious implications for the global economy if Congress fails […]

