Aquiles Suarez


Aquiles Suarez

Aquiles Suarez is Senior Vice President for Government Affairs at NAIOP.
Biden’s Dilemma: Placating the Progressives
Increasing tension with the progressive wing of his own party is causing headaches for President Joe Biden and his staff, complicating efforts to get portions of his domestic agenda through Congress. Of late, dissatisfaction with the Senate’s bipartisan infrastructure legislation among many Democrats in the House of Representatives, coupled with a failed effort to extend […]
Keep Your Eyes On The Calendar
In the movie Apollo 13, there is moment when NASA engineers are arguing over what they need to do to save the lives of the astronauts in their capsule, which had been damaged by an explosion. In that scene, NASA engineer John Aaron realizes that the crew will not make it back safely because they […]
White House Budget Provides Details for Biden Tax Proposals
Last week, President Joe Biden submitted his proposed fiscal year 2022 budget to Congress, providing lawmakers with additional details regarding the major infrastructure and social spending initiatives comprising his American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan. In times of divided government in Washington, a White House budget is oftentimes described as “dead on arrival” as […]
To Pass the Senate, Biden’s Infrastructure Package Will Need Changes
Last week in Pittsburgh, President Joe Biden unveiled his long-awaited infrastructure proposal, an approximately $2.3 trillion initiative dubbed the American Jobs Plan. While infrastructure development is traditionally a bipartisan issue, the sheer scope of the plan and the Biden administration’s expansive definition of the term, plus the method adopted to pay for the effort, prompted immediate opposition from the Republican caucus in the Senate.   This, and a […]
The COVID Relief Bill and What Comes Next
President Joe Biden is halfway on the path to achieving the first major legislative victory of his administration, with the House of Representatives last Saturday passing its version of his proposed $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, the American Rescue Plan, by a 219-212 vote. The vote on the bill was a highly partisan affair, with […]
President Biden’s Tax Agenda: Issues for Commercial Real Estate
NAIOP members had the opportunity to learn about the association’s legislative agenda and its priorities for 2021 during the virtual 2021 Chapter Leadership and Legislative Retreat, including specifics regarding what might await the industry on tax policy in the new presidential administration. Some of President Joe Biden’s proposals offered during his campaign for the White […]
Closely Divided Senate and Political Crosscurrents Make Passing Sweeping Legislation Difficult
The long-awaited runoffs for Georgia’s Senate seats concluded yesterday, with Democrats poised to win control of the Senate. Raphael Warnock was declared the winner in his contest against incumbent Republican incumbent Kelly Loeffler, reducing the Republican margin in the Senate to 50-49. As of Wednesday morning, Democrat Jon Ossoff led his incumbent Republican opponent, David […]

