Brielle Scott


Brielle Scott

Brielle Scott is Director of Marketing and Communications at NAIOP.
Bringing Wellness to the Industrial Workplace
Wellness in the workplace – it’s a buzzy phrase we hear often in reference to office buildings, but when it comes to the industrial and manufacturing facilities that are ubiquitous to us, what kind of wellness features would we find inside?
Tap into Tech’s Enormous Potential for CRE
“We are now at a point in history where there is more invention and innovation happening worldwide than there has ever been before in the last thousand years of human history,” said Mike Steep, the executive director of the Stanford Engineering Center for Disruptive Technology and Digital Cities, during his keynote remarks at CRE.Converge 2022. […]
Culture and Connectedness in the New World of Work
After the COVID-19 pandemic sent everyone home from the office and into the remote workplace, “there was a lot of talk about ‘when do we go back to work?’” said Keith Ferrazzi, bestselling author and founder and chairman of Ferrazzi Greenlight, a global consulting and coaching firm, at CRE.Converge 2022. “Let’s stop talking about when […]
Getting Hands-on at Oracle’s Innovation Lab
Technology continues to drive rapid change across project and asset lifecycles. On a tour of the Oracle Industries Innovation Lab in Deerfield, Illinois, as part of CRE.Converge 2022, attendees were able to explore some of the latest advances in autonomous equipment, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, machine learning, drones and other developing technologies. Oracle calls the […]
Sunshine Law Best Practices for Development Projects
There are many ways that developers can work to maximize confidentiality while working within the confines of states’ sunshine laws, though they may not be aware of some of the nuances and key considerations involved. In a recent NAIOP webinar, Rebecca “Elissa” Wilson, Of Counsel, Vorys; and Scott Ziance, Partner and National Economic Development Incentives […]
Time and Cost Trade-offs for Adaptive Reuse Projects
At NAIOP’s I.CON East: The Industrial Conference in Jersey City, New Jersey, a sold-out crowd of over 1,000 industrial real estate professionals gathered to hear from experts leading the sector on supply chain challenges and solutions, capital markets, reverse logistics and more. In a panel discussion featuring adaptive reuse projects, James Thaon, associate and branch […]
Three Design Firms Reimagine the Office
Every company is looking for an edge to attract the best talent, and for many, office space is a key part of that strategy. In a recent NAIOP webinar moderated by Taylor van Dam, COE leader, workplace innovation, Cushman & Wakefield, experts from three different design firms share their vision for the office of tomorrow; […]
A Compelling Argument for More Solar in CRE
Environmental, Social, and Governance mandates (ESG) are becoming a reality not only in large enterprise businesses but also in their entire supply chains. Forces from upstream as well as downstream, combined with pressure from stockholders, stakeholders, employees and customers, are ushering in a new era where ESG practices are no longer considered optional. At NAIOP’s […]
A Conversation on the Critical Labor Challenge
Finding and attracting labor has become a challenge for many sectors of the economy – and industrial real estate is no exception. Labor is often a critical consideration in site selection for warehouse and distribution space. In a panel discussion at I.CON West: The Industrial Conference this week, experts examined all sides of the labor […]

