Julia Wattick


Julia Wattick

Julia Wattick is a Senior Associate with BranchPattern. A Registered Architect, Julia is driven by a deep commitment to emission reduction through innovative building material selection. Founding BranchPattern’s Materials team in 2023, she delves into the interplay between building materials and their far-reaching impacts on climate, ecosystems, society, and human well-being. Overseeing multiple pioneering Carbon Accounting Programs in collaboration with real estate developers managing expansive national portfolios, Julia fosters synthesis between the built environment and nature, with a resolute mission to advance industry knowledge on embodied carbon and emissions mitigation. At BranchPattern, she guides clients in envisioning and realizing their project’s sustainability objectives, adeptly navigating them toward optimal sustainability outcomes.
Examining the Impact of Embodied Carbon in Industrial Real Estate
Every industry is being challenged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially with the U.S. government’s commitment to combat climate change and increase funding for these efforts. The construction industry has a considerable impact on global greenhouse gas emissions primarily due to its significant contributions to operational and embodied carbon, accounting for 28% and 11%, respectively, of total emissions.

