
Kathryn Hamilton, CAE

Kathryn Hamilton, CAE, is Vice President for Marketing and Communications at NAIOP Corporate.
Adopt or Adapt: Learning from Amazon’s Real Estate Approach
At NAIOP’s CRE.Converge this week in Seattle, Amazon Vice President for Worldwide Real Estate Daniel Mallory sat down for an in-depth chat with Jean Kane, former CEO of Colliers International-Minneapolis St. Paul and the incoming chair of the NAIOP Research Foundation. Kane asked Mallory about his perspectives on everything from the company’s sustainability efforts to today’s market challenges to future workforces and beyond.
High-tech Solutions to Keeping Chocolates Cool at an Atlanta Cold Storage Facility
A 1.5 million-square-foot cold storage facility an hour south of Atlanta sits unassumingly among farmlands and other distribution warehouse facilities containing everything from mattresses to salad dressing to office supplies. Inside its doors though, racks and rows of premium chocolates are stacked high in an international chocolate producer’s distribution facility for the Southwest.
Inside Industrial Cold Storage Leasing
Cold storage development often requires a specialized approach, and leasing is no exception. Five development and leasing experts closed out NAIOP’s I.CON Cold Storage in Atlanta with a look into the cold storage leasing market, demand drivers and growth expectations and the market outlook, among others.
Peeling Back the Onion of Capital Markets and Cold Storage Development
“Less than 2% of industrial space today is cold storage, and it probably needs to be at 15%. We’re not even in the first inning,” opened economist KC Conway in a keynote session at NAIOP’s I.CON Cold Storage. Using the analogy of peeling back an onion, Conway identified four cold storage and capital markets “layers” to “see what makes us sweat and what makes us cry.”
No One-size-fits-all Solution for Cold Storage Design and Construction
Understanding the many types of cold storage and controlled environments – food and beverage processing; food distribution; and public refrigerated warehousing – along with a plethora of product-specific terminologies, is the first step in diving into the world of its development. But there is much more to explore to understand the nuances of this sector.
Seismic Shift in Office: What’s Next 
The sluggish return to the office, financing and liquidity, and new ways of approaching the office sector were the predominant themes of an elite gathering of C-suite office owners, investors and developers. The conversation, spearheaded by NAIOP and hosted last week in New York City, explored the challenges and opportunities facing the sector. 
How Split-level Industrial Could Work in Forgotten Industrial Sites
Every day, developers drive past prime industrial real estate sites that could be warehouse-perfect, were it not for the sloped grade that would cost too much to excavate to make the facility level. Enter a new solution: a split-level building that doubles the space by creating efficiencies in construction costs and land use.
Corporate Real Estate of the Future: Where Sustainability and Profitability Converge
This week at NAIOP’s I.CON East: The Industrial Conference, four experts in the space shared their thoughts on how corporate real estate of the future will integrate the evolving trends of sustainability and automation so that owners can meet carbon reduction and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals, exceed tenant specs, future-proof their properties and increase NOI.
ESG and Decarbonization: Achieving Ultimate Success in Industrial
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and decarbonization initiatives can yield significant advances across the industry, from the important climate benefits to improved investor and community relations. While these are not new concepts – the first solar panels date back to 1954 – they are fresher to commercial real estate as owners and developers as they evaluate how to retrofit existing properties and incorporate elements of sustainability into their projects.

