
Kathryn Hamilton, CAE

Kathryn Hamilton, CAE, is Vice President for Marketing and Communications at NAIOP Corporate.
What REIT Leaders Are Discussing in the Boardroom
No topic is more talked about in boardrooms of real estate investment trusts (REITs) across the country right now than ESG – the trending acronym for Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance factors that measure the sustainability and societal impact of an investment in a company or business – said a panel of speakers at the […]
Are Zoom Towns the New Boomtowns?
Thinking of packing suitcase, grabbing your laptop and setting up shop in a new locale? You’re in good company! One-fifth of adults in the U.S. moved during COVID-19 or know someone who did, says Pew Research, whether for health and safety reasons, or simply because the space demands of full-time work from home increased the […]
The Post-pandemic Career Shuffle
Employees – office workers, in particular – have firm expectations about returning to the workplace as vaccines become more widely available and companies begin bringing the team back together. At the top of their wish lists: hybrid work schedules, says start-up workforce platform Envoy’s Return to the Workplace report. Safety and flexibility, says the report, […]
5 Workplace Changes Here to Stay Post-COVID
Think back to how and where you worked one year ago, before the pandemic began and hastily upended it all. Chances are that many of your work habits and activities pre-COVID look very different from the workplace “new normal” that will emerge post-pandemic. While city, state and business mandates vary, workers are likely to trickle […]
Working Together is the Roadmap to Success
“This past year has been a time of great flux and change in commercial real estate throughout the pandemic, as it has for the nation,” opened U.S. Congressman Van Taylor (R-TX) as he addressed members of the NAIOP Board of Directors in their virtual January meeting. “I like to think Congress has done some things […]

