
Kathy Kozak

Kathy Kozak, Vice President, Strategy & Corporate Finance, Trez Capital Kathy is responsible for strategy, portfolio management and financing for the Trez Capital investment funds since 2017. She brings over 20 years of financial services expertise to the role having worked at GCM Grosvenor and Arthur Anderson in various roles spanning due diligence, treasury, accounting, financial reporting, and tax.
Financing Design Starts Long Before Construction Begins
With Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell indicating that the Fed will continue to raise interest rates through the end of the year and into 2023, traditional capital providers with strained balance sheets are pulling back on lending. And given the current economic outlook, many senior warehouse line lenders may also look to pull back on financing, opening the door for a more direct asset-by-asset approach. As a result, borrowers need to seek out alternative lenders that creatively finance their projects – enter nontraditional lenders and loan-on-loan financing partners.

