Ron Derven


Ron Derven

Ron Derven is Contributing Editor to Development Magazine and writes on real estate topics for The New York Times
A Deeper Look at Brownfield Redevelopment in the Infrastructure Act
At first glance, the $1.5 billion specifically earmarked for brownfield cleanup and a total of $21 billion set aside for environmental remediation in the $1 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (H.R. 3684) may seem paltry, given that there are an estimated 450,000 brownfield sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the U.S. […]
Could COVID-19 Pandemic Spur Changes in Parking Minimums?
Dusty parking codes and parking minimums have contributed to the creation of between three and eight parking spaces per car in the U.S., cost real estate developers untold billions of dollars, and caused gridlock in urban centers. But now, these decades-old rules may be in for a dramatic overhaul as parking demand drops as much […]

