Toby Burke


Toby Burke

Toby Burke is the Associate Vice President of State and Local Affairs for NAIOP.
NAIOP Hosts Western Chapters and Nevada State Meetings
NAIOP Corporate hosted two meetings in Las Vegas last month designed to bring chapters together to highlight common legislative and policy challenges, and to share successful advocacy strategies and approaches. The first meeting was a policy summit for NAIOP chapters located in the western United States, with chapters from New Mexico to Washington state invited […]
Key Gubernatorial Races to Watch in 2022
While the primary focus of this year’s election is which party will control the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives next year, gubernatorial races are also being held in 36 states. The outcome of many of these races is difficult to predict and may depend on a candidate’s position on certain core economic issues. Economic […]
State and Local Governments Play Key Role in Achieving Federal Policy Objectives
The federal government in the United States is responsible for establishing national policies and objectives that are often not achievable without the active participation of state and local governments in our federalist system of government. Federal funds are usually included as part of these efforts to assist state and local governments in following federal guidelines […]
Revenue Surpluses Provide Opportunity for Tax Relief within States
The economic slowdown from the COVID-19 pandemic initially raised concerns within states that general revenue collections would be lower than anticipated and, as a result, create shortfalls in maintaining a balanced budget. Although revenue collections from certain sectors of the economy, such as hospitality and tourism, were lower, overall revenue shortfalls from the pandemic did […]
NAIOP State Advocacy Influences Legislative Outcomes for CRE
Several state legislatures this year have debated legislation that would change the rules and policies impacting commercial real estate. In California and North Carolina, effective advocacy by the NAIOP chapters has protected and advanced the interests of the industry at the state levels. Through the chapters’ engagement in the legislative process, state lawmakers have come to […]
States Play Key Role in Building Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructures
The transportation industry accounts for the highest percentage of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States according to the Environmental Protection Agency. This has resulted in greater demand and interest for electric vehicles and trucks (EV) in order to reduce these emissions. The U.S. Department of Energy recently reported that plug-in electric and […]
NAIOP North Carolina Chapters Hold Successful State Conference
More than 400 members from the three NAIOP chapters in North Carolina traveled to the Pinehurst Resort last week for the NAIOP North Carolina State Conference. The all-day conference included a number of sessions related to the state of the industry, along with a general session that included legislative updates on issues at the federal, state […]
The Drive for Transportation Electrification
Governments at every level are considering polices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from both stationary and mobile sources as part of efforts to address climate change. Some of these efforts have centered on initiatives to lowering domestic use on fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and oil, by moving towards electric vehicles within […]
State Leaders Debate Budget Surpluses and Taxes
Most state governments have emerged from the pandemic-induced economic slowdown with budgetary surpluses because projected revenue losses did not occur.  Losses in tax collections from certain sectors of the economy, such as restaurants, hospitality and entertainment, were offset by the collection of sales taxes from increased internet transactions, along with the $193.5 billion allocated to […]

