Toby Burke


Toby Burke

Toby Burke is the Associate Vice President of State and Local Affairs for NAIOP.
State Advocacy Essential for NAIOP Chapters in 2022
As the new year begins, lawmakers will begin returning to their chambers to discuss and debate numerous pieces of legislation. Congress is currently focused on President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better initiative and voting rights legislation, but conventional wisdom suggest that passage of meaningful, nonpartisan legislation will remain a challenge during an election year. However, […]
The Role of State and Local Governments in Spurring Economic Development
Real estate developers and owners provide the commercial and residential space for individuals to live, work and play. State and local governments can play an important role in supporting this through incentives and other measures that ensure development projects financially “pencil” and are economically sustainable over the long term. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts are […]
State Governments Adopt Building Electrification Mandates
The debate on greenhouse gases and climate change is occurring at every level of government within the United States. Many states have initiated mandates calling for commercial building owners to gradually reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and eventually become net-zero by certain dates as part of efforts to address climate change. These mandates have included […]
Local Reliance on Property Tax Revenue
Every local government in the United States is required to operate under a balanced budget where incoming revenues equal outgoing expenditures. The National League of Cities has referred to these local budget as “political instrument(s)” that governs public policy priorities, funds government services and programs, sets spending limitations and establishes a level of transparency and accountability […]
Redistricting Could Work Against Congressional Democrats in 2022
Democrats in Congress are currently debating President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion human infrastructure plan which will probably include one of the largest tax increases in generations. Both Republicans and Democrats know that this will be a major issue in next year’s midterm elections, with Republicans expecting it will benefit them politically. While votes taken by […]
State and Local Governments Receive Federal Recovery Funds Under Interim Rule
The federal government has provided additional support for state and local governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) into law on March 11, which established the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. The new federal funds provide $350 billion to support state, local, territorial, […]
States Look to Strengthen Local Permitting Processes
Owners and developers of commercial real estate recognize that obtaining local building permits is an essential and fundamental requirement for the development and improvement of their properties. The processes for obtaining these permits vary by municipality and state. These variations lead to uncertainties and delays in projects moving forward, which impacts the development project’s financing, cost […]
NAIOP of North Carolina Holds Successful Day at the State Capitol
NAIOP of North Carolina recently hosted the first in-person Day at the State Capitol since the outbreak of the pandemic. It provided NAIOP members from the Charlotte, North Carolina Piedmont Triad, and Raleigh-Durham chapters with the opportunity to advocate for effective policies that advance commercial real estate development within the state. This year’s legislative priorities […]
Effective Advocacy Leads to Legislative Victories in Florida
The COVID-19 pandemic created new challenges in educating state and local lawmakers during this legislative year. NAIOP of Florida successfully adapted to these new challenges through a sustained advocacy approach that resulted in several legislative victories of importance to NAIOP and the commercial real estate industry. These successes demonstrate the effectiveness of remaining engaged, working […]
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: What State and Local Governments Should Know
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the entire country and the world. Most state and local governments in the United States issued stay-at-home orders and imposed business restrictions on nonessential services to slow the spread of the virus. This caused an economic slowdown that initially concerned many state and local lawmakers. Revenue projections from various sectors, […]

