Market Share

The Official Blog for Commercial Real Estate

Author: Aquiles Suarez

Capitol building

Major Tax Increases Proposed in Biden’s 2024 Budget

President Joe Biden submitted his proposed fiscal year 2024 federal budget to Congress on March 9. It contains numerous tax increases that repeatedly failed to clear the House of Representatives and Senate even when these chambers were controlled by Democrats. But the president’s budget submission makes sense if you acknowledge that its primary purpose is as a political messaging document, meant to provide a contrast between his administration and Republicans in advance of the 2024 presidential election.

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Capitol building - blue sky

Return to the Hill: CL&LR 2023

In less than two weeks, NAIOP members and chapter local executives will be headed to Capitol Hill to meet with their elected representatives, senators and congressional staff. In so doing, they will be taking the opportunity to establish relationships with newly elected members of Congress; renew and deepen existing ties with incumbents; and talk to their elected officials about issues important to the commercial real estate industry.

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Capitol building

What a Way for Congress to Start the Year

The spectacle put on by the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives in trying to choose a speaker this week clearly shows that nothing will be a sure thing in this Congress. Of course, we will continue advocating for the interests of the commercial real estate industry no matter what the political terrain may be in Congress.

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