
Kathryn Hamilton, CAE

Kathryn Hamilton, CAE, is Vice President for Marketing and Communications at NAIOP Corporate.
Work With a Purpose: How CRE Firms are Positioning for Success
“There’s a really exciting trend emerging in hiring and compensation that’s going to accelerate throughout 2023,” opened Chris Lee, CEO of CEL & Associates, during a recent NAIOP webinar. “It’s the blending together of the quantitative – the numbers, compensation and bonuses – and the qualitative – workplace environment and benefits.”
Multilevel Warehouse Design’s Vertical Puzzle
As industrial spaces move deeper into urban areas, the need to build up instead of out will increase. Vertical industrial – whether used for fulfillment, maker spaces, labs or light manufacturing – requires a new approach, different requirements and a whole lot of explaining.
Industrial Real Estate and the Economy: Where Are We Headed?
“Technology is going to be among the most important things that impacts the industrial sector,” began Rebecca Rockey, economist and global head of economic analysis and forecasting at Cushman & Wakefield, at I.CON West’s keynote session this week in Long Beach, California. “The industrial sector stands to be the first industry to experience that adaptation as the nature of our economy and demographics change.” 
Cutting Through the Uncertainty: CRE Leaders Share Economic, Industry Outlooks
Marcus & Millichap President and CEO Hessam Nadji set the stage for an in-depth conversation on the market’s uncertainty and where the economy and commercial real estate are headed, featuring Mark Zandi, chief economist with Moody’s Analytics, and panelists Wendy Mann, CEO of CREW Network; Tom McGee, CEO of ICSC; and Marc Selvitelli, president and CEO of NAIOP.
Data Analytics’ Influence on CRE Site Selection, Design and More
Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, the Internet of Things… all trending technologies that are showing up everyplace from online shopping recommendations to continually monitored physical systems.  This big data is collected, analyzed and deployed to help users make smarter choices and is increasingly guiding forces across the commercial real estate industry. Beyond property management and building […]
Advancing Sustainable Brownfield Development with Public-private Partnerships
The proximity of some brownfields – typically former industrial sites or other contaminated properties – to business centers and transportation networks can make them prime targets for redevelopment, but the need for environmental remediation can be daunting. Additionally, new government and community priorities, regulations and incentives regarding sustainability are likely on the horizon. This will […]

